Missio brings people together from across the University to reflect upon Baylor's special mission and identity and the relationship between faith and learning. Through a year-long program, Missio seeks:
- To explore both the challenges and opportunities for Christian colleges and universities in contemporary higher education, especially for Baylor as a Christian research university
- To acquaint faculty with a theological understanding of vocation/calling, both personally and institutionally
- To reflect upon the implications of the Christian calling for academic life in both its teaching and scholarly dimensions
- To foster collegiality, common purpose, and friendship in Missio’s cohort
We plan to gather for lunch on one Friday each month at the McMullen-Connally Faculty Center. We have a brief reading or a guest to help us reflect and generate good discussion. Missio members automatically have a reserved place for Communio in May. In addition, we provide participants a modest stipend for books that might enrich their understanding of the relationship between faith and learning.
For more information about Missio, email ifl@baylor.edu.