2003 The Schooled Heart
Thursday, October 30—Saturday, November 1, 2003
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Program Description
American higher education, by some measures, has never been in better shape. More students are devoting more time and resources to gain more education than ever before. Yet more does not mean better. Measured by other criteria, American higher education faces significant challenges, not the least of which is a loss of the moral direction once part and parcel of the educative process. Scholars across the political spectrum disagree about the causes and possible remedies for this loss. However, they by and large agree that the failure of higher education to provide any kind of coherent moral vision for life constitutes a critical problem for contemporary culture.
The proliferation of applied ethics courses, initiatives for teaching ethics across the curriculum, and service learning programs, as well as the revival of “great texts” curricula have all been identified as responses to the crisis of moral vision within the academy. Are these responses adequate? To what resources might the academy turn for developing serious moral education, and for what aims? What constraints, if any, should exist on moral education within the context of American higher education? What strengths or weaknesses does religious affiliation bring to colleges and universities on behalf of vital moral education? How does an academic institution's religious identity shape its purposes and programs related to character development? In what way ought this task to be taken up within the academic disciplines?
Baylor University invites you to join us for our annual Pruit Memorial Symposium, The Schooled Heart: Moral Formation in American Higher Education, as we explore these and related questions about the nature of and need for moral formation within the context of American higher education.
Plenary Speakers
Stanley Hauerwas is Gilbert T. Rowe Professor of Theological Ethics at Duke University and the author of numerous books, including Resident Aliens, A Community of Character, The Peaceable Kingdom, A Better Hope, and With the Grain of the Universe, his 2000-2001 Gifford Lectures. Described by Time magazine as “America's Best Theologian” and “contemporary theology's foremost intellectual provocateur,” Hauerwas is a keen cultural critic whose considerable opus has significantly shaped conversation about postliberalism, narrative theology, and virtue ethics.
David Lyle Jeffrey is Provost and Distinguished Professor of Literature and Humanities at Baylor University. An expert in medieval English literature, Jeffrey is also a gifted speaker and prolific writer whose most recent book, Houses of the Interpreter: Reading Scripture, Reading Culture, joins his Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature, People of the Book, English Spirituality in the Age of Wyclif, and Rethinking the Future of the University, an examination of the relationships and contributions of historic Christian thought to the intellectual life of university disciplines.
Warren Nord has been the Director of the Program in the Humanities and Human Values and has taught philosophy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for 24 years. He is the author of many articles and book chapters, primarily on religion and education as well as two books: Religion and American Education: Rethinking a National Dilemma, and with Charles C. Haynes, Taking Religion Seriously across the Curriculum.
Joseph O’Hare recently retired as the longest serving president of Fordham University, where he was credited with fostering extraordinary growth during his 19 years of service. Prior to his appointment at Fordham, he was the editor-in-chief of America magazine, where he now has returned as associate editor. A former chairman of both the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities and the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities, Fr. O’Hare has devoted considerable effort to the cause of Catholic higher education.
Julie Reuben is Professor of Education in the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is a widely acclaimed scholar whose study of higher education and American society and culture has resulted in two books, the forthcoming Campus Revolts: Politics and the American University in the 1960s and Making of the Modern University: Intellectual Transformation and the Marginalization of Morality. The latter work earned the Choice Outstanding Academic Book Award in 1997.
David Solomon is an undergraduate alumnus of Baylor University and is now an Associate Professor of Philosophy and the W.P and H.B. White Director of the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture. He is also the founder of Notre Dame’s Arts and Letters honors program. Solomon is a specialist in normative—especially virtue—ethics, and he has lectured widely and made frequent television appearances to discuss ethical issues. He is the coauthor of the first study of the public policy implications of the Roe v. Wade abortion decision, Abortion and Public Policy, and a study of the philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars, The Synoptic Vision.
Thursday, October 30
12:00 to 1:30 p.m.
1:30 to 1:45 p.m.
Convocation and Opening Remarks
2:00 to 3:30 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions
Teaching Ethics Ethically (Blume Seminar)
- Ned Wisnefske, Roanoke College: Believe in Moral Truth
- Nicholas K. Meriwether, Shawnee State University: Moral Education in the Public University
- James Krueger, University of Notre Dame: The Necessity of Religion for Applied Ethics Education
Studies and Analyses in Moral Formation and Higher Education (White)
- Trey Buchanan, Wheaton College: Changes in Moral Discourse During the Post-College Years: Exploring the Development Impact of Religiously Affiliated Higher Education on Moral Formation
- Perry Glanzer, Todd Ream & Pedro Villarreal, Baylor University: The Formation of Christian Identity in Christian Colleges: A Documentary Analysis of the General Education Curriculum
Christian Higher Education I: Adapting to a Changing World (Beckham)
- Robert Shippey, Shorter College: The Idea of a Baptist College or University in a Multi-Cultural World
- Johan Hegeman, Christelijke Hogeschool Ede: Is Electronic Learning Compatible with Moral Formation in Christian Higher Education?
Moral Formation in a Multicultural Society (Fentress)
- Louis B. Gallien, Jr., Regent University: Keeping It Real: Hip-Hop Culture and the Framing of Values for African American College Students
- Lee Ella Oglesbee, John Brown University: Moral Formation in Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man
Ancient and Early Christian Thought on Moral Education (Baines)
- Anne-Marie Bowery, Baylor University: Educating the Soul: Teaching Plato’s Allegory of the Cave in an Interdisciplinary Context
- Todd D. Still, Baylor University: The Connection between the Mental and Moral Life in Colossians
- Robert C. Miner, Baylor University: Moral Education in the Contemporary Academy: What We Have to Learn from Augustine’s Early Dialogues
4:00 to 5:30 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions
Anabaptist Visions and Voices (Blume Conference)
- Shirley Showalter, Goshen College: How Can We Keep from Singing: Music as a Connection Between the Heart and Mind
- Paul Keim, Goshen College: You Have Searched Me and Know: Bible and Religion in Anabaptist Learning
- Keith Graber Miller, Goshen College: Immersion, Incarnation, and Transformation: International Education at Goshen College
Redeemable Art? Reclaiming a Moral Vision in Fiction, Images, and Film (Beckham)
- Rachel Payne, Baylor University: Dangerous Material? Redeeming Early American Fiction
- Annie Davis, Baylor University: Popular Images/Pop Culture: Restoring Religious Vision
- Eric Schaefer, Baylor University: Mere Entertainment? Thinking Christianly about Movies
Cultivating Humble Learners: Biblical Basis and Pedagogical Practice (Blume Seminar)
- Scott T. Waalkes, Malone College: Cultivating Humble Learners in the International Studies Classroom
- Matthew P. Phelps, Malone College: Cultivating Humble Learners in the Cognitive Psychology Classroom
- Stephen K. Moroney, Malone College: Cultivating Humble Learners in the Theology Classroom
Virtues in Christian Higher Education (Fentress)
- Jay Wood, Wheaton College: Morally Saturated Scholarship
- Robert C. Roberts, Baylor University: Free Love and Christian Higher Education: Reflections on a Passage from Plato’s Theaetetus
The Tasks and Challenges for Faculty (Baines)
- Kenneth R. Chase, Trey Buchanan, Lynn Cohick & David Setran, Wheaton College: Engaging Faculty in the Task of Moral Formation
- Augustus E. Jordan, Middlebury College & David A. Rettinger, Yeshiva University: Academic Dishonesty and Two Assumptions of Liberal Education
- Dale Goldsmith, Oklahoma Panhandle State University: Seeing Double: Moral Vision in American Higher Education
Resistance and Anarchy in Moral Formation (White)
- Stephen Haynes, Rhodes College: Obedience or Resistance? The Moral Legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- Scott Moore, Baylor University: Culture for Anarchy? Against Sweetness and Light
5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Keynote Banquet (Banquet Room)
8:00 to 9:30 p.m.
Keynote Address (Banquet Room)
Stanley Hauerwas, Duke University: Pro Ecclesia, Pro Texana: Schooling the Heart in the Heart of Texas
Friday, October 31
8:15 to 9:45 a.m.
Concurrent Sessions
Consistent Moral Formation in a Reformed Christian College: A Panel (Blume Conference)
- Shirley Roels, Calvin College: College Community Pockets and Consistent Moral Formation
- Claudia Beversluis, Calvin College: Consistent Moral Formation through Instruction
- Jane Hendriksma, Calvin College: Consistent Moral Formation through Student Life
Responses to Relativism (Blume Seminar)
- Arthur Stewart, Lamar University: Charles Sanders Peirce: Classical American Pragmatism vs. the Consequences of Relativism
- Joshua Walker, East Texas Baptist University: Beyond Relativism: The Role of Psycho-Epistemology in Moral Formation
Teaching Virtue: Acquainting Freshmen with Moral Choices through Classical and Contemporary Texts (Beckham)
- Elizabeth Dell & Melissa Thibodeau, Baylor University
Three Englishmen on Education and Moral Formation: More, Milton and Shelley (White)
- Stephen Varvis, Fresno Pacific University: The Virtue of the Prince and Humanist Teaching of Virtue
- Phillip J. Donnelly, Baylor University: Educative Reading? Areopagitica as Challenge to Great Texts Education
- David Oliver Davies, University of Dallas: The Heart of the Matter: Milton versus Shelley on the Character of Moral Education
Christian Higher Education II: Different Approaches to Moral Formation (Baines)
- Telford Work, Westmont College: Education as Mission: The Course as Sign of the Kingdom
- Wally F. Cox, Jr., Regent University: Moral Formation in American Christian Higher Education
- Derek Hatch, Baylor University: The Value of Autonomy in Two Sociomoral Contexts
10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Plenary Presentation (Banquet Room)
Julie Reuben, Harvard Graduate School of Education: The Origins of Our Current Dilemmas: Morality and the Development of the Modern University
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
1:00 to 2:30 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions
Baptist Resources for Moral Formation (Blume Conference)
- Robert Kruschwitz, Baylor University: Accountability
- Elizabeth Newman, Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond: Hospitality
- C. Stephen Evans, Baylor University: Voluntariness
Historical Perspectives (White)
- Brett Smith, Baptist Student Foundation at the University of Illinois: Men, Not Monks: Christian Moral Formation at the University of Illinois, 1867-1880
- Jeffrey Bouman, Calvin College: Student Life, Religious Faith and Curricular Expansion, 1850-1920: Evangelical and Progressive Attempts to Integrate Faith and Learning in American Higher Education
- Paul Jacobs, The Criswell College: Teaching New Dogs Old Tricks: Reconsidering Theological Education in a Postmodern Society
The Liberal Arts Curriculum: Challenges and Solutions (Beckham)
- Christian Hoeckley, Westmont College: Liberal Arts Traditions and Christian Higher Education
- Bradshaw Frey & Eric Miller, Geneva College: Shaping the Christian Liberal Arts College through Moral Enquiry: A Conversation
- Michael R. Stevens, Cornerstone University: The Civitas Project: Educating Citizens in a Liberal Arts Core
Moral Formation through Literature I: The Power of the Imagination (Baines)
- Kevin L. Cole, University of Sioux Falls: Our Moral Maalox Moment in Literary Studies
- Deborah C. Bowen, Redeemer University College: How Safe is Reading? Teaching Literature in the Contemporary World
Natural Law in and beyond the Classroom (Fentress)
- Michael Sullivan, Baylor University: Restoring the Founding Vision: Moral Formation in the Pluralist American University
- Daryl Charles, Taylor University: Ethics and the Permanent: Retrieving the Natural-Law Tradition
2:45 to 4:15 p.m.
Plenary Presentation (Banquet Room)
Joseph O’Hare, Fordham University: Ignatian Pedagogy: Men and Women for Others
4:30 to 6:00 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions
Moral Education: Secular, Sacred or Somewhere in Between? (Beckham)
- John Valk, Renaissance College: A Plural Public School: Worldview and Moral Development at Renaissance College
- David Naugle, Dallas Baptist University: A Paideia Proposal: The Transformative Power of a Christian Worldview
- Kimlyn Bender, University of Sioux Falls: Moral Education Both Sacred and Secular: Beyond Relativism and Indoctrination
The Virtues in Academia (Blume Seminar)
- Shawn Floyd, Malone College: Could Theological Virtues Be Deliberative Virtues?
- Paul Wadell & Darin Davis, St. Norbert College: The Moral Life as a Quest for Goodness: Why Hope, Courage, and Perseverance Matter
- Bryan Hollon, Baylor University: Intellectual Virtue and the “End” of Christian Universities
Moral Formation through Literature II: Educating the Youth (Baines)
- Cheri Larsen Hoeckley, Westmont College: Sentimental Education Today: David Copperfield Meets Okonkwo
- Claire Sibold, Biola University: Using Literature to Teach Values and School the Heart
- Amber Hobbs, University of Dallas: The Telemachian Odyssey: Education of the Heart Through the Teaching of the Classics
Moral Formation in Composition Pedagogy (White)
- Susan Colón, Baylor University: “A useful word… learnt… in studies not vain”: A New Application of Augustine’s Critique of Rhetorical Education
- Susan Bratton, Baylor University: Ethics and Aesthetics in Environmental Writing
- Aaron Urbanczyk, Baylor University: The Art of Persuasion and the Pursuit of Truth: Toward an Aristotelian Reform of Teaching Rhetoric in College Composition
Vocation and Higher Education (Fentress)
- Robert Moore-Jumonville, Spring Arbor University: Poised on the Edge of the Promised Land: A Spiritual Theology of Vocation
- Matthew Schobert, Baylor University: Recovering Vocation: Escaping Seductive Parodies, Embracing Subversive Practices
- Jeffrey Hause, Creighton University: The Vocation of the University
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Baylor Graduate School’s Dinner with the Provost for Invited Undergraduates (Blume Seminar)
8:00 to 9:30 p.m.
Plenary Presentation (Banquet Room)
David Solomon, University of Notre Dame: After Formation: The Applied Ethics Revolution and Its Significance for the Contemporary University
Saturday, November 1
8:30 to 10:00 a.m.
Concurrent Sessions
Catholic Resources for Moral Formation (Blume Conference)
- William L. Portier, University of Dayton: A Plea for the Anomalous and Prodigious: Confessional Casuistry and Moral Formation
- David M. McCarthy, Mount Saint Mary’s College: Formed by What is Set in Stone
- John F. Donovan, Mount Saint Mary’s College: Bless Me Father —The Catholic Chaplaincy as Institution and Practice
The Student-Teacher Relationship (Morrison 110)
- Rebecca Rozelle, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale: The Exemplary Magister: Educator Beyond Economics
- James M. Bonzo, Cornerstone University: The Covenant between Student and Teacher
Theoretical Frameworks for Teaching Ethics (Morrison 107)
- Marty Gallagher, Baylor University: The Tears of Confession: A Prolegomena to Any Future Ethics
- Marc Anderson, University of Sioux Falls: The Virtue of Literature: An Analysis of Platonic and Aristotelian Theory and Its Role in Education
Nonviolence and the Liberal Arts (Morrison 100)
- Gerald Biesecker-Mast, Bluffton College: Nonviolence, Liberal Arts and the Postmodern Context
- J. Denny Weaver, Bluffton College: Violence and Nonviolence in Rethinking Theology
- Susan Biesecker-Mast, Bluffton College: Nonviolence in Communication
- Angela Horn Montel, Bluffton College: Violence and Nonviolence in Cell Biology
Moral (De)Formation in Business Education (Blume Seminar)
- John Pisciotta, Baylor University: The Implicit Moral Malformation of Modern Economics
- Richard Kyte, Viterbo University: The “Hollow Discipline” of Business Ethics
- Maria Lai-ling Lam, Malone College: Ways of Developing Christian Character in Business Education
Christian Higher Education III: Success and Failure (Morrison 120)
- C. Baars Bultman, Hope College: From “Senior Bible” to “Senior Seminar”: The Transformation of Moral Conversation at Hope College
- Terry Baker, Warner Pacific College: Theological Grammar and Strategic Planning
- James Robert Ross, Anchor Counseling: The Church’s Mission in Higher Education: A Failure of Nerve Rooted in a Bad Conscience
10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m
Plenary Presentation (Banquet Room)
Warren Nord, University of North Carolina: Liberal Education, Moral Education, and Religion
12:00 to 1:30 p.m.
1:30 to 3:00 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions
Moral Formation through Great Texts (Blume Seminar)
- Brian J. Braman and Kerry Cronin, Boston College: The Drama of Human Authenticity and Great Books
- Robert Welsh, Texas A&M International University: Can Virtue Be Taught? Letting the Great Books Speak for Themselves
- M. Todd Bates, The Criswell College: Great Texts and the Great Commandment? Timeless Answers to Contemporary Questions
Ecumenical Perspectives on Moral Formation (Morrison 107)
- Mark Lowery, University of Dallas: The Encyclical Letter Veritatis Splendor as a Resource for Moral Education: Ethical Explorations in Participated Theonomy
- Philip LeMasters & Kenneth L. Herfurth, McMurry University: Moral Formation and Theosis: An Orthodox Christian Response to Moral Formation in American Higher Education
- Benjamin J. B. Lipscomb, Houghton College: Holiness and Habituation: Explorations of a Wesleyan Approach to Moral Formation
Moral Themes in Holocaust Pedagogy (Blume Conference)
- Sonja Schoepf Wentling, Concordia College: moderator
- Tim Horner, Villanova University: Our Evil Our Selves
- Jeffrey Zalar, Valparaiso University: Moral Formation in Holocaust Pedagogy: Two Approaches from Historic Christianity
- Raymond Sun, Washington State University: Evil Studies: Introducing Moral and Spiritual Values into a Secular History Curriculum
Disciplinary Perspectives on Moral Formation (Morrison 110)
- C. John Sommerville, University of Florida: Academic History Is Tacit Moral Instruction
- Timothy Erdel, Bethel College: Is Moral Psychology Possible?
- Stanley C. Pelkey, Gordon College: Music as Moral Education
Teachers and Moral Development (Morrison 120)
- Kathleen Fite & Kelly Fox, Southwest Texas State University
3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
Plenary Presentation (Banquet Room)
David Lyle Jeffrey, Baylor University: Wisdom, Freedom, Truth: Moral Education and the “Schooled Heart”
5:00 to 5:15 p.m.
Closing Remarks and Adjournment (Banquet Room)